Sunday, December 21, 2008

Let it Snow...

So it seems that it's been snowing here for 2 straight days, and it will continue to snow until we get another 6-12 inches, on top of the 12" we just got Friday-Saturday. So for those of my blogosphere friends lamenting a non-white Christmas, I present to you these two pics and short video. The video is the view from my dining room, the second is the view from my office a couple of hours ago, the second also from my dining room window. The snow is much heavier and putting a damper on the holiday shopping I will not be leaving the house to do today.

So if you don't have snow, enjoy the pics. If you do, perhaps you'll commiserate with me :)



  1. snow is only a concept in Hong Kong!

  2. I can definitely feel your pain. I got a little shopping done yesterday, but have decided to skip it today and stay inside to cook and wrap. Perhaps tomorrow there will be less crazies out and about.... hmmm, doubt it.

  3. show us more pictures... i need me a snow fix!

  4. And now there's video too! Yipee!


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