Friday, July 18, 2008

It's FRIDAY...

and it's about 90,000 degrees.

Well, it's more like 90, but as I'm 30 weeks pregnant, it might as well be 90,000.

So what am I doing to combat the heat? I'm sitting in front of the AC, and I won't tell you that I've had my lap top on my lap exuding an insane amount of heat equivalent to the fires of hell, and that I just ate a ton of ice cream. From the container. Which I figure is ok, because I'm the only one who likes the flavor (no, I didn't buy it because that intentionally, honest!).

So why am I torturing myself? Well, after finally putting the AC it's not so bad. I've been catching up on paperwork, quotes, proofs and finishing up some new designs that I will be debuting in the next couple of weeks. I'm focusing on botanical designs, which include poppies, gerber daisies and a few other pretty floral designs.

On a final and important note for today: As I mentioned above, I'm approaching that time in my pregnancy where I'm going to start relaxing a little more from business and take care of getting things ready for baby. We'll be taking on a limited amount of projects in the upcoming weeks. If you are looking to order invitations from our company, please contact us soon about availability. Once our few remaining slots are filled, we'll be taking a little hiatus through the early part of September through most (if not all) of October. We'll respond to e-mails, phone calls and inquiries, but most likely won't be starting any new projects during that time (unless we're blessed with a champion sleeper).

But, in the meantime, keep an eye out for our new designs and some new weekly features.

1 comment:

  1. hang in there Carey! my son was born Aug 26th and I remember being sooooo miserably hot! and not wanting to wear any clothes - LOL!


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